Being Together

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План урока английского языка в 8 классе.

Все вместе.

Составитель: Рубцова Наталья Алексеевна, учитель английского языка, МОУ лицей №6

Цели урока:

1 Совершенствовать умение высказывать своё мнение о праздновании дня рождения в различных странах мира и в классе.

2 Совершенствовать умение использовать в речи грамматические конструкции Future-in-the Past, структуры be/get used to.

3 Систематизировать знания учащихся о традициях празднования дня рождения в различных странах.

4 Систематизировать знание словосочетаний по теме.

5 Воспитывать социокультурное сознание.

Оборудование урока: серия стилизованных предметов для инсценировки, раздаточный материал с грамматическими структурами и тестовыми заданиями, карточки с ключевыми словами для дискуссии.

1Начало урока-3 минуты.

Today we are going to discuss the ways of celebrating birthdays in different countries and in our class. You’ll write a short test. I will check how you know the traditions and collocations on the topic. I want you to use Future-in-the-past, be/get used to in you speech during a lesson. At the end of the lesson you’ll tell us about your own birthday traditions and get marks.


1 Do you celebrate your birthday?

2 What do you often receive as a birthday present?

3 Whom do you usually invite to your birthday party?

4 What do you usually wish a person on his/her birthday?

2 Oсновная часть урока-34 минуты.

1 People celebrate birthdays all over the world but we are going to talk about 6 countries. What are they? (Сбор информации на доске)-4 минуты.

This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.

It was your hometask to act out the tradition of a certain country. Go to the blackboard and act out the tradition but don’t name the country and the tradition

Инсценировка учащимися отрывков из текста о праздновании дней рождения в различных странах мира: China, Denmark, Germany, Scotland, Holland, Vietnam.

2Pretend you have a choice. Where would you spend your birthday(in what country)? And why? - 5 минут

Use the structure I thought I would spend my birthday in ...because...(схема)

1Why do you think birthday parties are so different in different countries?

2What do many parties have in common?

3Which traditions seem the most attractive to you?

4What Russian birthday traditions do you know?

1 «Crown» years: 5, 10, 15, 20, 21. a) Vietnam
2 Guests are served lunch and noodles. b) Denmark
3 A flag is flown outside the window on a child’s birthday. c) Holland
4 The older you are, the more money you get. d) China
5 All the children celebrate their birthday on Tet. e) Scotland

The key: 1c, 2d, 3b, 4e, 5a.

4Беседа по теме-5 минут.

Who has already had his birthday this month?

What do we wish a birthday person?


Many happy returns!
All the best/I wish you the best of everything.
I wish you every success!
I wish you health, wealth, and happiness.

What sort of song do we sing to a birthday person?

Lets sing Happy Birthday song to our classmate. (Дети и учитель поют хором).

Teachers are human too. I wish I were a birthday person. (But it’s impossible because my birthday is in January). I wish I received an expensive fur coat as a birthday gift. (But it’s impossible too.) My wishes seldom come true.

What would you wish if you were a birthday person? (I wish I had/ went/ received...)

Do the wishes usually come true?

My mother served dinner for my guests when I was a child. Does your mother serve dinner for your guests?

What does your mother serve?

What is the main dish?

5 There is one more test for you today-3 минуты.

Find one wrong collocation in each list. You have 3 minutes to do the task.


1 to go to a disco party

2 a new mobile phone

3 Nancy a happy birthday

4 him good luck


1 a letter

2 an invitation

3 good luck

4 a gift of money


1 a tasty dish

2 lunch

3 noodles

4 money


1 true

2 back

3 home

4 wrong

The key: 2, 3, 4, 4.

6 Cбор информации на доске - 2 минуты.

What do teenagers usually receive as birthday presents?

One of the most popular presents is a mobile phone. Almost everyone has it. To be sure that mobiles are really necessary at school we should know the advantages and disadvantages of using them. You will work in two groups. The first group will discuss the arguments for using mobiles, the second group will discuss the arguments against using mobiles at school. You have 3 minutes to get ready. Use the key-words from your cards.

Работа в группах - 3 минуты.

7 Выступление учащихся-5 минут.

Сard 1

Report your arguments for using mobile phones at school to the class. Use the words below.

the must-have thing

got used to

make plans with

find out what smb is doing

to organize last-minute parties

word spreads fast

send a text

to put smb’s mind at ease

in an emergency

running late

Card 2

Report your arguments against using mobile phones at school to the class. Use the words below.

waste money and time

can’t get used to

damage their health

no real need

silly, unnecessary chats

mobile can go off


face-to-face conversations

conversations get put on hold

to be concerned about talking and disturbing


too many mobile phones around

to feel bad about hearing what people say on

8 Работа по цепочке - 4 минуты.

I know that you’ve got a lot of ideas about how to make birthday celebrations special for your classmates and friends. What are they?

3 Заключительная часть урока- 3 минуты.

1)Подведение итогов урока.

We have done a lot today. We have written tests, discussed the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones at school, and made a list of ideas for special birthday parties.

2)Оценка деятельности учащихся. Выставление отметок за устные ответы.

I’ll check your tests and give you marks later. Now your marks for oral work.

3)Домашнее задание. You should learn the irregular verbs to the verb grow (p.173).

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