Английский для гимназистов

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(не показаны 11 промежуточных версий 2 участников)
Строка 2: Строка 2:
'''Уважаемые преподаватели английского языка!'''
'''Уважаемые преподаватели английского языка!'''
Мы рады представить вам учебное пособие
Мы рады представить вам учебное пособие
'''New Opportunities Elementary'''
'''New Opportunities Elementary'''
Строка 22: Строка 23:
You can print the tests out and use them as they are – or you can adapt them. You can use Microsoft® Word to edit them as you wish to suit your teaching situation, your students or your syllabus. Here are some of the things you may wish to do.
You can print the tests out and use them as they are – or you can adapt them. You can use Microsoft® Word to edit them as you wish to suit your teaching situation, your students or your syllabus. Here are some of the things you may wish to do.
Тест для учащихся гимназий с углубленным изучением английского языка
'''Тест для учащихся гимназий с углубленным изучением английского языка'''
(переход от элементарного к среднему уровню)
(переход от элементарного к среднему уровню)
Строка 66: Строка 67:
12 __________ any students from Hungary in my class.  
12 __________ any students from Hungary in my class.  
A It isn’t B There isn’t C It hasn’t D There aren’t  
A It isn’t B There isn’t C It hasn’t D There aren’t  
13 In the future, everyone __________ a computer in their car.  
13 In the future, everyone __________ a computer in their car.  
Строка 198: Строка 198:
56 If you __________ me with my homework, I’ll buy you a burger.  
56 If you __________ me with my homework, I’ll buy you a burger.  
A helped B will help C help D helping  
A helped B will help C help D helping  
57 Alan __________ his dog for three walks a day.  
57 Alan __________ his dog for three walks a day.  
Строка 272: Строка 271:
[Total 80 marks]
[Total 80 marks]
Use of English 01-02A
Use of English 01-02A
A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.  
A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.  
Строка 287: Строка 287:
0 dance/often/I/Tom/with/
0 dance/often/I/Tom/with/
I often dance with Tom.______________¬¬¬__________
I often dance with Tom.________________________
00 you/play/do/the/piano/?
00 you/play/do/the/piano/?
Do you play the piano?________________________
Do you play the piano?________________________
Строка 339: Строка 339:
'''Удачи в работе!
'''Удачи в работе!
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{| border=1
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[[Категория:Иностранные языки]]

Текущая версия на 12:40, 4 июня 2009


Уважаемые преподаватели английского языка!

Мы рады представить вам учебное пособие New Opportunities Elementary TEST MASTER THE TESTS ON THIS TEST MASTER CD-ROM will provide you with an invaluable new resource to accompany New Opportunities. Easy to use  The tests are based strictly on the content of Opportunities Elementary, providing a fair measure of students’ progress.  An interactive menu makes it easy to find the tests you are looking for.  Keys and audio scripts are provided to make marking the tests as straightforward as possible.  Most tests come in A and B versions. This makes it easier for you to invigilate the test by making it harder for students to copy from each other.  The audio files for the listening tests are conveniently located on the same CD. Types of test The Test Master CD contains five types of test.  Placement Test/s  Module Tests  Progress Tests  Mid Course Test  End of Course Test Flexible You can print the tests out and use them as they are – or you can adapt them. You can use Microsoft® Word to edit them as you wish to suit your teaching situation, your students or your syllabus. Here are some of the things you may wish to do.

Тест для учащихся гимназий с углубленным изучением английского языка (переход от элементарного к среднему уровню)

Choose the best option and mark A, B, C or D as in the example 0.

0 A horse has got __________ legs. A for B fore C fort D four

1 We __________ tennis at five o’clock every Thursday. A playing B are playing C play D plays

2 Last year I __________ to Costa Rica. A go B am going C have gone D went

3 Where __________ Paul work now? A do B is C does D have

4 Cats__________ to eat fish. A like B are liking C likes D is liking

5 Did you see Susan yesterday? – No, I __________. A haven’t B hadn’t C don’t D didn’t

6 There’s a cinema in the town centre __________ there? A isn’t B hasn’t C wasn’t D doesn’t

7 Look! The cat __________ on your bed. A sleeps B is sleeping C sleep D sleeping

8 It’s Sunday so I __________ get up early. A haven’t to B didn’t had C hadn’t to D don’t have to

9 Does Marcus earn __________ money? A many B lots C the D a lot of

10 Have you ever __________ to Bangkok? A go B been C went D gone

11 If the weather is good, I __________ the children to the park. A took B taken C take D have taken

12 __________ any students from Hungary in my class. A It isn’t B There isn’t C It hasn’t D There aren’t

13 In the future, everyone __________ a computer in their car. A is having B has C having D will have

14 It’s late. Let’s go __________ home. A along B through C back D down

15 Helena __________ to Paris last year. A went B has gone C goes D did go

16 This is the __________ film I’ve ever seen. A worse B most bad C bad D worst

17 When __________ the party? A have you left B do you left C did you left D did you leave

18 Dad can’t come to the phone because he __________ the dinner. A will cook B is cooking C cooks D cooked

19 Terry drives too fast, __________ he? A isn’t B doesn’t C won’t D don’t

20 __________ happened to your car? It’s scratched! A Which B Who C What D Why

21 If you __________ ice, it melts. A will heat B heated C heats D heat

22 He needs __________ new printer. He should buy one soon. A some B the C a D an

23 I __________ in ghosts. A am not believe B don’t believing C aren’t believe D don’t believe

24 Only __________ students in my class wear glasses. A a little B a lot C a few D any

25 The train has probably left __________. A yet B already C still D just

26 There is __________ at home. I’ve been ringing all day. A no one B everyone C someone D anyone

27 I thought the book was very __________. A excitement B exciting C excited D excite 28 Dolphins are more intelligent __________ chimpanzees. A as B from C than D to

29 The dentist told me __________ my teeth after every meal. A to clean B clean C cleaning D cleaned

30 Mercedes __________ a new car. It’s called the Smart car. A had built B have built C build D building

31 I haven’t seen John __________ 2001. A for B since C until D before

32 I think your letter is __________ on my desk. A anywhere B everywhere C nowhere D somewhere

33 I tried __________ the trainers but they didn’t fit me. A on B in C into D for

34 __________ from Italy? A Does you come B Am you come C Do you come D Are you come

35 Everyone __________ to learn a musical instrument. A should B can C must D ought

36 Where can I get __________ information about the sports centre? A any B an C a D some

37 The hotel .... by a large fire. A is destroyed B destroy C was destroyed D destroys

38 The dog is hungry. She __________ something to eat. A must B has to C can D needs

39 Is that __________ car over there? A they B their C them D there

40 Paulo is Brazilian, __________? A is he B isn’t he C does he D doesn’t he

41 Ouch! I__________ my finger! A ’m just cutting B had just cut C ’ll just cut D ’ve just cut

42 What’s __________? A your hotel name B your hotel’s name C name your hotel D the name of your hotel

43 The manager will see you __________ Tuesday morning. A in B on C at D during

44 Next year, I__________ seventeen. A ’ll be B ’m being C be D can be

45 Nicky __________ a film when the fire started. A was watching B is watching C watches D will watch

46 ‘Have you ever seen an eclipse?’ – ‘No, I __________: A didn’t B don’t C hadn’t D haven’t

47 Nathan is very selfish. He never thinks about __________ people. A every B any C other D some

48 The Mona Lisa __________ by Leonardo da Vinci. A paint B painted C is painted D was painted

49 I’m sorry. Peter isn’t here. He __________ out. A goes B has gone C will go D is going

50 __________ help you to carry your suitcase? A Shall he B Shall they C Shall I D Shall you

51 __________ a lot of rain in Colombia. A It’s B There are C Is D There is

52 Diana hasn’t got __________ money. A any B some C no D many

53 I need __________ milk for my coffee. A some B any C a D an

54 Look! The cat is in the tree. We should __________ it. A help B helping C to help D will help

55 Who __________ your car? A stole B to steal C stolen D steals

56 If you __________ me with my homework, I’ll buy you a burger. A helped B will help C help D helping

57 Alan __________ his dog for three walks a day. A is taking B takes C take D taking

58 Soon cars __________ use petrol. They’ll all be electric. A don’t B can’t haven’t C aren’t D won’t

59 Simon looked at me and __________. A laugh B laughs C laughed D to laugh

60 He’s the best football player in the school. __________ is as good as him. A No one B Nothing C Anyone D Everyone

61 What __________ to do? A are you want B is you want C do you want D does you want

62 Are these __________ books? A yours B you C yourself D your

63 __________ talking, please! A Stopping B Stop C To stop D Stopped

64 What is the __________ mammal in the world? A big B bigger C biggest D most big

65 Can you see __________ people over there? They’re dancing. A them B these C those D that

66 I __________ your jacket is in the sitting room. A think B thought C am thinking D will think

67 __________ a lot of people on this train. A There is B It is C There are D They are

68 My brother can cook very __________, can’t he? A best B well C good D better

69 Do you __________ clean your bedroom at home? A have to B ought to C must D need

70 Is this the boy __________ bike you found? A who B whose C that D which

71 When __________ finish? A did you B you C have you D are you 72 Usually Sue cycles to college but today she __________. A walking B walks C is walking D walk

73 The sign says no parking. You __________ park here. A must B mustn’t C don’t need to D should

74 Write soon and give me all your __________. A information B stories C news D facts

75 What are you doing __________ Sunday afternoon? A in B at C to D on

76 Could you pass me my diary? It’s __________ the desk. A at B on C from D to

77 Everybody says that Rio de Janeiro is very __________. A beauty B beautifully C beautiful D more beautiful

78 Excuse __________, can I order a cheeseburger, please? A you B I C it D me

79 __________ these shoes in size 37, please? A Are you got B Have you got C Do you got D You got

80 My friend is coming to stay with me __________ two weeks in the summer. A since B until C for D during

[Total 80 marks]

Use of English 01-02A A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (5 points)

0 She ____is______ (be) very nice. 1 Mary __________ (not like) jazz. 2 My teachers __________ (think) I’m clever. 3 We __________ (not use) a computer every day. 4 I __________ (love) drawing. 5 They __________ (be) good friends.

B Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (4 points)

0 dance/often/I/Tom/with/ I often dance with Tom.________________________ 00 you/play/do/the/piano/? Do you play the piano?________________________ 1 is/late/Anna/always/lunch/for/ ___________________________________________ 2 often/go/early/how/do/to/you/bed/? ___________________________________________ 3 learn/I/never/Fridays/English/on/ ___________________________________________ 4 study/your/does/girlfriend/history/? ___________________________________________

C Complete the text with the prepositions from the table. You can use some prepositions more than once. (2 points)

at, from, in  

Miguel comes (1) __________ Spain and he lives (2) __________ Barcelona. He lives (3)__________ a house with his two friends, Alberto and Felipe. Miguel loves mathematics and he is very good (4) __________ it.

D Match the verbs (1–6) with the words (a–g). (3 points)

0 have a) television 1 get up b) computer games 2 watch c) a book 3 play d) German 4 listen to e) the radio 5 speak f) a shower 6 read g) early

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 f

E Add the words or expressions from the box to the correct groups. Then add three more words or expressions to each list. (6 points)

playing football, uncle, supermarket

Family Sports Places _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

20 Total


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