Урок английского языка "Экстремальные виды спорта"

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'''Полужирное начертание'''<center>'''Экстремальные виды спорта'''</center>
<center>'''Экстремальные виды спорта'''</center>
<center>'''Урок английского языка (XI класс)'''</center>
<center>'''Урок английского языка (XI класс)'''</center>
Строка 200: Строка 200:
Let’s discuss all of them
Let’s discuss all of them
I’m going to put you into two teams.
I’m going to put you into two teams.
The first team is for, the second  is against.
The first team is for, the second  is against.
Discuss your ideas.
Discuss your ideas.
Строка 263: Строка 263:
6. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание (3 мин)
'''6. Подведение итогов.''' Домашнее задание (3 мин)
Although the number  advantages is  more than the number of disadvantages, drawbacks overweigh benefits.  
Although the number  advantages is  more than the number of disadvantages, drawbacks overweigh benefits.  
Строка 286: Строка 286:
[[Категория:Методическая копилка]]
[[Категория:Иностранные языки]]
[[Категория:школа 10]]
[[Категория:школа 10]]

Текущая версия на 15:00, 9 июля 2009

Экстремальные виды спорта
Урок английского языка (XI класс)
Кокаревская Наталья Михайловна
(МОУ школа № 10 г. Тольятти)

Тип урока: Комбинированный

Цели урока:

1. Образовательная.

Совершенствование ЗУНов в области устной речи по теме «Спорт».

2. Развивающая.

Развитие умений общения на английском языке в рамках темы

3. Воспитывающая.

Развитие умения дать адекватную оценку различным видам спорта

Задачи урока:

– совершенствовать умения вести дискуссию;

– совершенствовать грамматические навыки;

- совершенствовать умение вести диалог с целью обмена оценочной информацией

– совершенствовать умение строить высказывания самостоятельно.

– прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку;

– воспитывать умение работать в парах, группах, самостоятельно.

Речевой материал: лексические средства в рамках темы; языковые средства для выражения мнения, согласия/несогласия, формулы речевого этикета; структура условных предложений 2-го типа

Формы работы на уроке: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная

Оснащение урока: Видеомагнитофон, видеозапись, картинки с изображением различных видов спорта, раздаточный материал

Структура урока:

I. Организационный момент

II. Речевая подготовка 7 мин.

III. Работа с видео-эпизодом 8 мин

IV. Подготовка к дискуссии 12 мин.

V. Дискуссия 10 мин.

VI. Подведение итогов урока. Объяснение домашнего задания 3 мин.

Ход урока

1. Начало. Организационный момент.

Teather: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! I’m very glad to see you here! Girls and boys, you may take your sеаts.

2. Речевая подготовка ( 7 мин)

Teacher: Today at the lesson we are going to revise all we have learnt about sport. And we’ve got a lot of things to discuss today.

Well, to start with, I want you to answer my questions.

Don’t forget to give reasons.

-What’s your attitude to sport?

-What kind of sport do you prefer? Why?

-Tell me please which kind of sport you wouldn’t like to try? Why?

-Which kind of sport would you like to try? Why?

Students give their ideas.

Teacher: Pay attention to the fact that everybody would like to try some special kinds of sport. What is special about them?

(students’ possible answer is : they are extreme kinds of sport)

Teacher: Ok. You are absolutely right.

Please give me some synonyms for the word “extreme”

Ss : risky, dangerous

Teacher: What types of extreme sport can you mention?

St: give their ideas.

skateboarding, snowboarding, freestyle skiing, mountain biking, bungee jumping, sky surfing, snow rafting (You sit in a rubber boat and sail down a mountain at great speed – and you can`t control the boat!), Ice diving, caving, ice climbing, parachuting, rafting, motor racing, surfing, hand-gliding, etc.

Teacher: Do you really think they are dangerous? Why?

St: give their ideas.(all of them carry some risk to injured and killed)

3. Работа над видео-эпизодом. (8 мин)

Teacher: I’m going to demonstrate a video episode. Then we’ll discuss it St. watch the episode about some extreme kinds of sport

Teacher: - What kind of extreme sport did the man try?

-How did he feel?

-How would you feel if you were him?

Students give their ideas

Teacher: What words came into your mind while you were watching ? I suppose, the emotions were both positive and negative.

Give some words or words combinations with positive meaning

Students give their ideas.

(thrilling, exciting, breathtaking, cool, impressive, challenging, competitive, energetic, team spirit, frees from tension and stress, unforgettable, overcome fears, discover physical and mental limits, captivating, spectacular, speed, adventurous)

Teacher: Now I want you to give adjectives with negative meaning. What words or ideas may discourage people from doing risky sports?

Students give their ideas.

(dangerous, carry a risk, tiring, exhausting, difficult, accident, frightened, scared)

4.Подготовка к дискуссии (12мин)

Teacher: Do think everybody can do extreme sport?

Why? Why not?

Students: No, not everybody, because it requires some special skills and abilities.

Teacher : Ok. I am going to give a list of qualities.

Look through and say which of them people should have to do high-risk sport? Justify your ideas.

The students are given the list of words and word combinations:

Fear, positive energy, courage, survival instinct, ability to evaluate risk, sense of adventure, physical strength, quick reactions, sense of humour, determination

Students possible answers:

-I think people who do high-risk sport should have courage and a survival instinct so that they can deal with dangerous situations, but they shouldn’t feel fear.

- I believe they need to have a little fear. It helps them to evaluate risks. Also, positive energy can help them to do the sport.

- I agree. They need to have quick reactions to avoid danger.

Teacher: Can you add something?

Students may add: sense of balance, good health, care, co-operative skills, determination, stamina

Teacher: Although they are very dangerous, extreme kinds of sport have become very popular recently. More and more people, especially young, have become involved in them. What’s the reason?

Students give their ideas.

-They make our life exciting

-They help to overcome fears

-They develop teamwork

-They increase people’s ability to deal with the emergency

-One of the students goes to the blackboard and write them down

Teacher: Well, risky sports bring us excitement and pleasure but they have some bad points, too. What are they?

Students: - they carry a risk

-they require special skills and abilities

-exhausting training and expensive equipment

-they are addictive

Teacher: good job. Now we’ve got the list of benefits and the list of drawbacks. Let’s discuss all of them I’m going to put you into two teams. The first team is for, the second is against. Discuss your ideas.

Before we start, let’s recall useful phrases:

How to agree?

How to disagree?

How to ask for opinion?

St: give their ideas.

T: Can you count from one to two? Really? Please, count. Ones are the first team, Twos are the second team. The first team are trying to convince us of profits of risky sports The second team are trying to convince us of drawbacks of dangerous sports. I’ll give one minute to think of your ideas. Be active and polite. Take turns.

5. Дискуссия (10мин)

Student’s possible ideas


-Life is not so exciting as it can be. Some people say they feel like robots because every day is the same. They are fed up with boredom and monotony. They are eager to break it. Risky sports give a possibility to feel excitement, thrill and joy. In other words, people turn to risk sports to escape from daily routine and everyday problems. So extreme kinds of sports give us possibilities to make our life more captivating and exiting

-You feel as if you’re floating the air.

-It’s wonderful experience for anyone who feels they lack confidence or social skills

-Doing risky sport helps people learn valuable skills for dealing with life's ups and downs. They teach youth how to interact with others and work as a team.

-Before doing risky sport they study first aid and rescue

-It increases people’s ability to think clearly and stay calm in emergency, it teaches us to deal with problems and find out what we can do or can’t do

-It develops teamwork and leadership skills at the same time, to fell team spirit as you are a member of a team -It makes us more self-confident or self-disciplined

-Sports also help students become more independent and feel better about themselves. The result is positive self-esteem and self-confidence, which are extremely important for determining later happiness and success.

-It gives the opportunity to appreciate the qualities we have, rather then worry about those we don’t have.

-Doing risky sport is a great chance to be close to nature and find out the role of human being on the earth.

-Doing risky sport can help overcome fears


-every kind of extreme sports carries a great risk. Every minute you risk getting seriously injured or losing your life, so being killed. Some doctors argue that people who do extreme sport regularly may have health problems in later life.

-It requires a lot of exhausting practice which might take much energy. Besides, you have to fine well- experienced trainer, because it’s the matter of your life. It’s not very easy to do so

-The reliable equipment needed for almost for all extreme kinds of sport is very expensive and sometimes overpriced. So you might spend heaps of money and time or waste heaps of money and time.

-Risky sports are addictive. They say, once they experienced the excitement of it they never want to stop

-Some kinds of sport require special abilities ( sense of balance, courage, physical strength, stamina, good health, quick reactions etc.)

6. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание (3 мин)

Although the number advantages is more than the number of disadvantages, drawbacks overweigh benefits. It may be wise to consider the risk to your health before taking up an extreme sport. If you are willing to accept the risk, then there is nothing to stop you from enjoying it.

Well, good job! You were active and polite. You’ve discussed everything and now you’re experts at extreme sport. Now I want you to write an argumentative composition (for and against). Comment on the following statement.

Extreme sports have become more and more popular. However? Some say they may carry a risk to health. What can you say for and against doing extreme sports?

Write 200-250 words using the plan.

1.Introduction (state the problem)

2.Arguments “for”

3.Arguments “against”


Thank you. Have a nice day.

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