Урок английского языка "Стражники Лондонского Тауэра" 7 класс

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Строка 1: Строка 1:
Составитель:'''Рубцова Наталья Алексеевна''', учитель английского языка
Составитель:[[Участник:Наталья Рубцова|'''''Рубцова Наталья Алексеевна''''']], учитель английского языка МОУ лицея №6
МОУ лицея №6
УМК Английский в фокусе, автор Ю. Е. Ваулина и др., 7 класс
УМК Английский в фокусе, автор Ю. Е. Ваулина и др., 7 класс
'''Цели урока:'''
'''Цели урока:'''
1 Совершенствовать умение учащихся прогнозировать содержание
1 Совершенствовать умение учащихся прогнозировать содержание
2 Совершенствовать умение учащихся толковать значение незнакомых
2 Совершенствовать умение учащихся толковать значение незнакомых
слов с опорой на контекст.
слов с опорой на контекст.
3 Познакомить учащихся с фактами из жизни охранников Лондонского
3 Познакомить учащихся с фактами из жизни охранников Лондонского Тауэра.
4 Развивать умение учащихся в аудировании.
4 Развивать умение учащихся в аудировании.
Строка 41: Строка 35:
'''IV''' Актуализация знаний и умений учащихся. Аудирование.
'''IV''' Актуализация знаний и умений учащихся. Аудирование.
'''V''' Изучение нового материала.
'''V''' Изучение нового материала. Знакомство с лексикой по теме.
Знакомство с лексикой по теме.
'''VI''' Закрепление материала, изученного на уроке.
'''VI''' Закрепление материала, изученного на уроке.
Беседа по содержанию текста и упражнение на тренировку
Беседа по содержанию текста и упражнение на тренировку памяти.
'''VII''' Обобщение и систематизация знаний по теме. Доклады учащихся.
'''VII''' Обобщение и систематизация знаний по теме. Доклады
'''VIII''' Контроль и оценка знаний учащихся по теме. Страноведческий тест
'''VIII''' Контроль и оценка знаний учащихся по теме.
Страноведческий тест
'''IX'''Подведение итогов урока.
'''IX'''Подведение итогов урока.
Строка 67: Строка 53:
'''I Организационный момент.''' (2 мин.)
'''I Организационный момент.''' (2 мин.)
Good afternoon, boys and girls. How are you? I’m happy that you’re
Good afternoon, boys and girls. How are you? I’m happy that you’refine. Let’s  begin our lesson.
fine. Let’s  begin our lesson.
Today we’re going to listen and read the text, retell some facts
Today we’re going to listen and read the text, retell some facts
from it and do a test. There will also be reports on the topic.
from it and do a test. There will also be reports on the topic.
Of course you’ll get marks for your work during a lesson and for  
Of course you’ll get marks for your work during a lesson and for  
the test.
the test.
'''II Речевая зарядка.''' (2 мин.)
'''II Речевая зарядка.''' (2 мин.)
Look at the picture and the title and try to predict text content.
Look at the picture and the title and try to predict text content.
Строка 93: Строка 78:
5 Where do they work?
5 Where do they work?
Possible answers:
''Possible answers:''
1.This is the Tower of London.
''1.This is the Tower of London.''
2. It is in London.
3. It sits on the banks of the river Thames.
4. These men are Yeoman Warders or “Beefeaters”.
5. They guard the Tower of London.
''2. It is in London.''
''3. It sits on the banks of the river Thames.''
''4. These men are Yeoman Warders or “Beefeaters”.''
''5. They guard the Tower of London.''
'''III Проверка домашнего задания.''' (5 мин.)
'''III Проверка домашнего задания.''' (5 мин.)
Строка 116: Строка 97:
Who will tell us the rule?
Who will tell us the rule?
1) Для чего нужны относительные местоимения и наречия?
1) Для чего нужны относительные местоимения и наречия?
Строка 127: Строка 104:
3) Какие из них употребляются по отношению к людям? Приведи пример.
3) Какие из них употребляются по отношению к людям? Приведи пример.
4) Какие из них употребляются по отношению к неодушевлённым
4) Какие из них употребляются по отношению к неодушевлённым предметам?
Now we’re ready to do exercise 2 page 31. Read and complete the gaps. (3 min.)
Now we’re ready to do exercise 2 page 31. Read and complete the gaps. (3 min.)
Строка 135: Строка 110:
'''IV Актуализация знаний и умений учащихся.'''
'''IV Актуализация знаний и умений учащихся.'''
1) Аудирование. (4 мин.)
'''1) Аудирование.''' (4 мин.)
Listen and check.
Listen and check.
Строка 141: Строка 116:
Read the sentences and explain your choice.
Read the sentences and explain your choice.
2) Kонтроль понимания прочитанного.
'''2) Kонтроль понимания прочитанного.'''
Exercise 3 page 31. There are 5 statements. Read and write T, F or DS (doesn’t say). What does true/false/doesn’t say mean?
Exercise 3 page 31. There are 5 statements. Read and write T, F or DS (doesn’t say). What does true/false/doesn’t say mean?
Строка 161: Строка 136:
|a) watched and protected
|a) watched and protected
|Ячейка 1*2
|2. Is guarded (v):                                             
|Ячейка 2*2
|b) easy to see
|Ячейка 1*3
|3. Bodyguards (n):
|Ячейка 2*3
|c) people who are kept in prison
|Ячейка 1*4
|4. Duties (n):                                           
|Ячейка 2*4
|d) work you have to do
|Ячейка 1*5
|5. Prisoners (n):
|Ячейка 2*5
|e) people who protect other people
|Ячейка 1*6
|6. Guides (n):
|Ячейка 2*6
|f) a country’s military people
|Ячейка 1*7
|7. Ravens (n):
|Ячейка 2*7
|g) special set of clothes that                          people wear at work or school
|Ячейка 1*8
|8. Armed forces (n):
|Ячейка 2*8
|h) people who show tourists around
|Ячейка 1*9
|9. Striking (adj):
|Ячейка 2*9
|i) began
|Ячейка 1*10
|10. Uniform (n):
|Ячейка 2*10
|j) black birds, like crows
|Ячейка 1*11
|11. Formal occasions (exp):                                 
|Ячейка 2*11
|k) formal celebrations such as                                                                            weddings, anniversaries, state ceremonies                                                                                                           
The key: 1i; 2a; 3e; 4d; 5c; 6h; 7j; 8f; 9b; 10g; 11k
''The key: 1i; 2a; 3e; 4d; 5c; 6h; 7j; 8f; 9b; 10g; 11k''
'''VI Закрепление материала, изученного на уроке.'''
'''VI Закрепление материала, изученного на уроке.'''
1) Беседа по содержанию текста (5 мин.)
'''1) Беседа по содержанию текста''' (5 мин.)
1. What century does the site date back?
1. What century does the site date back?
Строка 216: Строка 191:
9. Where do they live?
9. Where do they live?
10. What are they most famous for?
10. What are they most famous for  
'''2) Упражнение на тренировку памяти.''' Работа в парах. (3 мин.)
2) Упражнение на тренировку памяти.  Работа в парах. (3 мин.)
Exercise 5 page 31. Try to remember as many facts as you can. You have 1 minute.
Exercise 5 page 31. Try to remember as many facts as you can. You have 1 minute.
Close your books and tell your partner three things you remember about “Beefeaters”. Use the key words.
Close your books and tell your partner three things you remember about “Beefeaters”. Use the key words.
'''The Yeoman Warders'''
'''The Yeoman Warders'''
The Tower of London, dates back, the 11-th century, is guarded by,
The Tower of London, dates back, the 11-th century, is guarded by,
king Henry VIII, introduced, used as bodyguards, duties included,
king Henry VIII, introduced, used as bodyguards, duties included,
looking after the prisoners, guarding the Crown Jewels, act as
looking after the prisoners, guarding the Crown Jewels, act as
guides for tourists, take care of the ravens, were in the armed
guides for tourists, take care of the ravens, were in the armed
forces, two uniforms.  
forces, two uniforms.  
'''VII Обобщение и систематизация знаний по теме.'''
Доклады учащихся (5 мин.)
No one is exactly sure where the name “Beefeater” comes from. One theory says that the
warders used to be paid with meat instead of money! Others say that the name comes from the
French word buffetier. Buffetiers were guards in the palace of French Kings. They protected the King’s food. But there’s one more theory and you’ll know about it right now.
'''Доклад №1'''
The “Beefeaters”, as they are nicknamed, have long been symbols
of London and Britain. It is thought their nickname is derived
'''VII Обобщение и систематизация знаний по теме.'''
Доклады учащихся (5 мин.)
from their position in the Royal Bodyguard, which permitted them
No one is exactly sure where the name “Beefeater” comes from. One theory says that the
warders used to be paid with meat instead of money! Others say that the name comes from the French word buffetier. Buffetiers were guards in the palace of French Kings. They protected the King’s food. But there’s one more theory and you’ll know about it right now.
to eat as much beef as they wanted from the king’s table.
Now you’ll listen to the report about the most famous Yeoman
'''Доклад №1'''
The “Beefeaters”, as they are nicknamed, have long been symbols of London and Britain. It is thought their nickname is derived from their position in the Royal Bodyguard, which permitted them to eat as much beef as they wanted from the king’s table.
Today we have guests.They are Crawford Butler and Moira Cameron.
Today we have guests.They are Crawford Butler and Moira Cameron. You’ll listen to the report about the most famous Yeoman Warder first. Then you will be able to ask him questions.
You’ll listen to the report about the most famous Yeoman
Warder first. Then you may ask him questions.
'''Доклад №2'''
'''Доклад №2'''
I’m Crawford Butler. I have been a Yeoman Warder for 17 years.
I’m Crawford Butler. I have been a Yeoman Warder for 17 years. The best part of my job is getting to meet people from all over the world. But keeping up a cheerful appearance for all the visitors is one of the hardest parts. It means you have to answer the same questions over and over again!
The best part of my job is getting to meet people from all over
Before becoming a Yeoman Warder, I was in the Army. I joined at 15 and served for 25 years. My family and I live in the Tower, which is “like living in a small village”.
the world. But keeping up a cheerful appearance for all the
visitors is one of the hardest parts.
You have just read that there are 36 Yeoman Warders at the Tower and they are all men. But now the situation is different. There is a woman among them. Listen to her.
It means you have to answer the same questions over and over
again! Before becoming a Yeoman Warder, I was in the Army. I
joined at 15 and served for 25 years. My family and I live in the
Tower, which is “like living in a small village”.
You have just read that there are 36 Yeoman Warders at the Tower and they are all men. But now the situation is different. There is a woman among them. Listen to her.
'''Доклад №3'''
My name is Moira Cameron. I’m the only woman, who has joined the
group of protectors of the Crown Jewels. It happened in 2007. I’m
42 and I’m a Warrant officer, who joined the army at age 16. I
was selected over five men who also applied for the vacancy. I
was a bookkeeper in the British Army for 22 years and
now I’m really proud of my new job.
'''Доклад №3'''
My name is Moira Cameron. I’m the only woman, who has joined the group of protectors of the Crown Jewels. It happened in 2007. I’m 42 and I’m a Warrant officer, who joined the army at age 16. I was selected over five men who also applied for the vacancy. I was a bookkeeper in the British Army for 22 years and now I’m really proud of my new job.
Строка 314: Строка 268:
Страноведческий тест (5 мин.)  
Страноведческий тест (5 мин.)  
At the end of our lesson we’ll do a test connected with the topic
At the end of our lesson we’ll do a test connected with the topic of the lesson. You’ll have 5 minutes to do it. Choose the correct answer. More than one answer is possible.
of the lesson. You’ll have 5 minutes to do it. Choose the correct
answer. More than one answer is possible.
'''The Yeoman Warders'''
'''The Yeoman Warders'''
Строка 324: Строка 274:
'''Choose the correct answer. More than one answer is possible.'''
'''Choose the correct answer. More than one answer is possible.'''
1) The Tower of London dates back to the
'''1) The Tower of London dates back to the'''
a) 12th century
a) 12th century
Строка 334: Строка 284:
d) 9th century
d) 9th century
2) The Tower is guarded by
'''2) The Tower is guarded by'''
a) prisoners
a) prisoners
Строка 342: Строка 292:
c) tourists
c) tourists
3) Who first introduced Beefeaters?
'''3) Who first introduced Beefeaters?'''
a) King Henry VIII
a) King Henry VIII
Строка 352: Строка 302:
d) Charles I
d) Charles I
4) It was in
'''4) It was in'''
a) 1585
a) 1585
Строка 360: Строка 310:
c) 1485
c) 1485
5) King Henry VIII used Beefeaters as
'''5) King Henry VIII used Beefeaters as'''
a) Soldiers
a) Soldiers
Строка 368: Строка 318:
c) cooks
c) cooks
6) These days the Yeoman Warders’ main role is
'''6) These days the Yeoman Warders’ main role is'''
a) to act as guides for tourists
a) to act as guides for tourists
Строка 376: Строка 326:
c) to live in the Tower
c) to live in the Tower
7) There are  …  Yeoman Warders in the Tower.
'''7) There are  …  Yeoman Warders in the Tower.'''
a) 35
a) 35
Строка 386: Строка 336:
d) 46
d) 46
8) The Yeoman Warders have  …  uniforms.
'''8) The Yeoman Warders have  …  uniforms.'''
a) 3
a) 3
Строка 394: Строка 344:
c) 4
c) 4
9) The Yeoman Warders were in the armed forces for
'''9) The Yeoman Warders were in the armed forces for'''
a) 20 years
a) 20 years
Строка 404: Строка 354:
d) 35 years and more
d) 35 years and more
10) Beefeaters are
'''10) Beefeaters are'''
a) men  
a) men  
Строка 412: Строка 362:
c) men and a woman
c) men and a woman
The keys:
''The keys: 1b; 2b; 3a; 4c; 5b; 6a,b; 7c; 8b; 9b; 10c.''
1b; 2b; 3a; 4c; 5b; 6a,b; 7c; 8b; 9b; 10c.
'''Критерии оценок:'''
''Один правильный ответ = один балл''
Критерии оценок:
'''«2»''' меньше 5 баллов
Один правильный ответ = один балл
'''«3»''' от 5 до 6 баллов
«2» меньше 5 баллов
'''«4»''' от 7 до 8 баллов
«3» от 5 до 6 баллов
'''«5»''' от 9 до 10 баллов
«4» от 7 до 8 баллов
«5» от 9 до 10 баллов
'''IX Подведение итогов урока.''' (3 мин.)
'''IX Подведение итогов урока.''' (3 мин.)
Today we have worked with some grammar material, got acquainted
Today we have worked with some grammar material, got acquainted with some facts about the Tower, learned new words, tried to remember things, listened to the text and the reports, done a test.
with some facts about the Tower, learned new words, tried to
remember things, listened to the text and the reports, done a
Оценка деятельности учащихся. Выставление отметок за работу на уроке.
Оценка деятельности учащихся. Выставление отметок за работу на уроке.
Строка 447: Строка 388:
At home you’ll write an e-mail to your pen friend about the Tower
At home you’ll write an e-mail to your pen friend about the Tower
of London where you can see people in special uniforms. Include:
of London where you can see people in special uniforms.  
· where it is
· who you can see there
· what they look like
· what their duties are
Приложение №1.
Match the words with the explanations. 3 minutes for you.
1.Dates back (phr v):                                      a) watched and protected
'''· where it is'''
2. Is guarded (v):                                              b) easy to see
3. Bodyguards (n): c) people who are kept in prison
4. Duties (n):                                                    d) work you have to do
5. Prisoners (n): e) people who protect other people
6. Guides (n): f) a country’s military people
7. Ravens (n): g) special set of clothes that                          people wear at work or school
8. Armed forces (n): i) people who show tourists around
9. Striking (adj): i) began
10. Uniform (n): j) black birds, like crows
11. Formal occasions (exp):                                  k) formal celebrations such as                                                                            weddings, anniversaries, state ceremonies                                                                                                           
The key: 1i; 2a; 3e; 4d; 5c; 6h; 7j; 8f; 9b; 10g; 11k
'''· who you can see there'''
'''· what they look like'''
'''· what their duties are'''
Презентация по теме: http://openfile.ru/444455/
[[Категория:Иностранные языки]]
[[Категория:Иностранные языки]]

Текущая версия на 22:37, 22 ноября 2009

Составитель:Рубцова Наталья Алексеевна, учитель английского языка МОУ лицея №6

УМК Английский в фокусе, автор Ю. Е. Ваулина и др., 7 класс

Цели урока:

1 Совершенствовать умение учащихся прогнозировать содержание текста.

2 Совершенствовать умение учащихся толковать значение незнакомых слов с опорой на контекст.

3 Познакомить учащихся с фактами из жизни охранников Лондонского Тауэра.

4 Развивать умение учащихся в аудировании.

5 Развивать умение учащихся в монологической речи.

6 Воспитывать уважение к традициям других культур.

Оборудование урока:

ПК, проектор, магнитофон с CD – проигрывателем, раздаточный материал.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

План урока:

I Организационный момент.

II Речевая зарядка.

III Проверка домашнего задания.

IV Актуализация знаний и умений учащихся. Аудирование.

V Изучение нового материала. Знакомство с лексикой по теме.

VI Закрепление материала, изученного на уроке.

Беседа по содержанию текста и упражнение на тренировку памяти.

VII Обобщение и систематизация знаний по теме. Доклады учащихся.

VIII Контроль и оценка знаний учащихся по теме. Страноведческий тест

IXПодведение итогов урока.

X Задание на дом.

Ход урока:

I Организационный момент. (2 мин.)

Good afternoon, boys and girls. How are you? I’m happy that you’refine. Let’s begin our lesson.

Today we’re going to listen and read the text, retell some facts from it and do a test. There will also be reports on the topic. Of course you’ll get marks for your work during a lesson and for the test.

II Речевая зарядка. (2 мин.)


Look at the picture and the title and try to predict text content.

1 Do you know what building it is?

2 Where is it?

3 Does it sit on the banks of the River Volga or the River Thames?

4 Who are these men?

5 Where do they work?

Possible answers:

1.This is the Tower of London.

2. It is in London.

3. It sits on the banks of the river Thames.

4. These men are Yeoman Warders or “Beefeaters”.

5. They guard the Tower of London.

III Проверка домашнего задания. (5 мин.)

We are going to read the text about “Beefeaters”. You’ll read and complete the gaps with the correct forms of relative pronouns and adverbs.

(Grammar section, page 2) It was your home task.

Who will tell us the rule?

1) Для чего нужны относительные местоимения и наречия?

2) Какие относительные местоимения и наречия вы знаете?

3) Какие из них употребляются по отношению к людям? Приведи пример.

4) Какие из них употребляются по отношению к неодушевлённым предметам?

Now we’re ready to do exercise 2 page 31. Read and complete the gaps. (3 min.)

IV Актуализация знаний и умений учащихся.

1) Аудирование. (4 мин.)

Listen and check.

Read the sentences and explain your choice.

2) Kонтроль понимания прочитанного.

Exercise 3 page 31. There are 5 statements. Read and write T, F or DS (doesn’t say). What does true/false/doesn’t say mean?

Read and give your answer.

V Изучение нового материала.

Знакомство с лексикой по теме. Работа в парах. (6 мин.)

Let’s explain the words in bold. You’ll work in pairs. Match the words from the text with the explanations. 3 minutes for you.

Let’s check.

Match the words with the explanations. 3 minutes for you.

1.Dates back (phr v): a) watched and protected
2. Is guarded (v): b) easy to see
3. Bodyguards (n): c) people who are kept in prison
4. Duties (n): d) work you have to do
5. Prisoners (n): e) people who protect other people
6. Guides (n): f) a country’s military people
7. Ravens (n): g) special set of clothes that people wear at work or school
8. Armed forces (n): h) people who show tourists around
9. Striking (adj): i) began
10. Uniform (n): j) black birds, like crows
11. Formal occasions (exp): k) formal celebrations such as weddings, anniversaries, state ceremonies

The key: 1i; 2a; 3e; 4d; 5c; 6h; 7j; 8f; 9b; 10g; 11k

VI Закрепление материала, изученного на уроке.

1) Беседа по содержанию текста (5 мин.)

1. What century does the site date back?

2. By whom is the Tower of London guarded?

3. Who first introduced “Beefeaters”?

4. What did their duties include?

5. What is their main role these days?

6. Do they take care of the ravens?

7. How many Yeoman Warders are there in the Tower?

8. Are they men or women?

9. Where do they live?

10. What are they most famous for

2) Упражнение на тренировку памяти. Работа в парах. (3 мин.)

Exercise 5 page 31. Try to remember as many facts as you can. You have 1 minute.

Close your books and tell your partner three things you remember about “Beefeaters”. Use the key words.

Og26 56 Page 1 Image 0001.jpg

The Yeoman Warders

The Tower of London, dates back, the 11-th century, is guarded by, king Henry VIII, introduced, used as bodyguards, duties included, looking after the prisoners, guarding the Crown Jewels, act as guides for tourists, take care of the ravens, were in the armed forces, two uniforms.

VII Обобщение и систематизация знаний по теме.

Доклады учащихся (5 мин.)

No one is exactly sure where the name “Beefeater” comes from. One theory says that the warders used to be paid with meat instead of money! Others say that the name comes from the French word buffetier. Buffetiers were guards in the palace of French Kings. They protected the King’s food. But there’s one more theory and you’ll know about it right now.


Доклад №1

The “Beefeaters”, as they are nicknamed, have long been symbols of London and Britain. It is thought their nickname is derived from their position in the Royal Bodyguard, which permitted them to eat as much beef as they wanted from the king’s table.

Today we have guests.They are Crawford Butler and Moira Cameron. You’ll listen to the report about the most famous Yeoman Warder first. Then you will be able to ask him questions.


Доклад №2

I’m Crawford Butler. I have been a Yeoman Warder for 17 years. The best part of my job is getting to meet people from all over the world. But keeping up a cheerful appearance for all the visitors is one of the hardest parts. It means you have to answer the same questions over and over again!

Before becoming a Yeoman Warder, I was in the Army. I joined at 15 and served for 25 years. My family and I live in the Tower, which is “like living in a small village”.

You have just read that there are 36 Yeoman Warders at the Tower and they are all men. But now the situation is different. There is a woman among them. Listen to her.

Beefeater dama Tower Reuters.jpg

Доклад №3

My name is Moira Cameron. I’m the only woman, who has joined the group of protectors of the Crown Jewels. It happened in 2007. I’m 42 and I’m a Warrant officer, who joined the army at age 16. I was selected over five men who also applied for the vacancy. I was a bookkeeper in the British Army for 22 years and now I’m really proud of my new job.

VIII Контроль и оценка знаний учащихся по теме.

Страноведческий тест (5 мин.)

At the end of our lesson we’ll do a test connected with the topic of the lesson. You’ll have 5 minutes to do it. Choose the correct answer. More than one answer is possible.

The Yeoman Warders

Choose the correct answer. More than one answer is possible.

1) The Tower of London dates back to the

a) 12th century

b) 11th century

c) 10th century

d) 9th century

2) The Tower is guarded by

a) prisoners

b) the Yeoman Warders

c) tourists

3) Who first introduced Beefeaters?

a) King Henry VIII

b) Queen Elizabeth II

c) Mary Tudor

d) Charles I

4) It was in

a) 1585

b) 1267

c) 1485

5) King Henry VIII used Beefeaters as

a) Soldiers

b) Bodyguards

c) cooks

6) These days the Yeoman Warders’ main role is

a) to act as guides for tourists

b) to take care of the ravens

c) to live in the Tower

7) There are … Yeoman Warders in the Tower.

a) 35

b) 33

c) 36

d) 46

8) The Yeoman Warders have … uniforms.

a) 3

b) 2

c) 4

9) The Yeoman Warders were in the armed forces for

a) 20 years

b) 22 years and more

c) 33 years and more

d) 35 years and more

10) Beefeaters are

a) men

b) women

c) men and a woman

The keys: 1b; 2b; 3a; 4c; 5b; 6a,b; 7c; 8b; 9b; 10c.

Критерии оценок:

Один правильный ответ = один балл

«2» меньше 5 баллов

«3» от 5 до 6 баллов

«4» от 7 до 8 баллов

«5» от 9 до 10 баллов

IX Подведение итогов урока. (3 мин.)

Today we have worked with some grammar material, got acquainted with some facts about the Tower, learned new words, tried to remember things, listened to the text and the reports, done a test.

Оценка деятельности учащихся. Выставление отметок за работу на уроке.

I’ll check your tests and give you marks later. Now your marks for the work during a lesson.

X Задание на дом.

At home you’ll write an e-mail to your pen friend about the Tower

of London where you can see people in special uniforms.


· where it is

· who you can see there

· what they look like

· what their duties are

Презентация по теме: http://openfile.ru/444455/

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