Урок Seasons and Weather in Russia

Материал из ТолВИКИ
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We have done a lot of work. Thank you and good bye.
We have done a lot of work. Thank you and good bye.
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Текущая версия на 13:58, 9 июля 2009

Автор:Молчкова Ольга Викторовна

Цель: проверить степень усвоения материала по теме "Времена года и погода".

Задачи: развивать социокультурную и коммуникативную компетентности, монологическую и диалогическую речь, навыки аудирования, умение выступать перед аудиторией, защищать проект, используя компьютерную презентацию, работать в группе; прививать интерес к предмету.

Оборудование: компьютер, компьютерные презентации, картинки с изображением времен года, карточки с ЛЕ, оценочные листы для проектов, жетоны.

Ход урока:

1. Оргмомент. Цель и задачи урока. Dear children! Today we are going to speak about things which are very important in our life - seasons and weather in Russia. During the lesson you'll get a chance to check your knowledge of the topic and gain the experience of speaking in front of the class, using your computer presentation. Are you ready? Good luck!

2. Речевая зарядка. To begin with, I'd like you to warm up. On the blackboard you can see some words on the topic "Seasons and Weather". Make up as many sentences as you can, using these words and if your sentence is grammatically correct and logically relevant, you'll get a point.









Now it's time to listen to my sentences and check how well you can argue with me. Don't forget about phrases of agreement and disagreement.

We never have frosty days in December. (Sorry, you're wrong...)

February is the shortest month. (Yes, it's really so.)

Today the weather is very warm.

In May the temperature is below zero.

Cold air falls.

We usually have a lot of rain in autumn.

3. Описание картин. On the blackboard you can see some pictures. Get ready to answer my questions and get points.

(summer) What season is it? What month is it? What is the weather like in the picture? Is the sky cloudy or clear? What is the temperature? Do you like such weather? What do you like to do in such weather?

(winter) Describe this picture, please. (дети самостоятельно описывают картину)

4. Защита проектов по теме "Времена года и погода в России". (Перед презентацией проектов группам раздаются оценочные листы, где дети должны выбрать и подчеркнуть верную с их точки зрения оценку.) (Evaluation Group 1. The project is interesting/ boring.

              All children/ not all children took part in the presentation.
              The project is well-done/badly-done.)

Now it's high time to present your projects on the topic "Seasons and Weather in Russia". In front of you there are evaluation lists. You should listen to your classmates very attentively and give them your own mark. (выступление проектных групп с дальнейшим взаимооцениванием)

презентация о временах года и погоде в России

5. Подведение итогов урока. We have listened to three groups of students. What project did you like most of all? And the last thing to do is to find out who the most active student of the lesson is. Will you count your points, please? The most active student today is ... We have done a lot of work. Thank you and good bye.

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