English famous writers

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English famous writers

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Авторы знаменитых на весь мир героев были англичанами

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Ознакомиться с биографией У.Шекспира

Ознакомиться с биографией Д.Дефо

Ознакомиться с биографией Д.Свифта

Наши результаты

Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)

He became famous when he published the story of Robinson Crusoe ,which was based on the real adventures of a shipwrecked sailor. It was so realistic, that every one believed it ,but it was not book for children. The book was written in the18 century. It was an age of rapid industrial development for England. And it was quite natural that the hero of the first bourgeois novel of that period was a shipwrecked man who lived on a desert island

Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)

He was a brilliant stylist ,his clear ironical style made him one of the greatest English writers. The book, which made him popular, Gulliver`s Travels is a satire on the political and social system Of England of those days. It is one of the finest works in the world literature

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

He was neither a purely tragic nor a purely comic writer, because in actual life these two sides are closely connected. He created a real drama and raised the English theatre to the heights it has never since reached. The most famous plays are “Romeo and Juliet “and “Hamlet”


English writers are very famous and everyone knows their books. But sometimes we do not think about their authors, because of their interesting plots


  • ...У.Шекспир повлиял на становление театра и английской литературы в целом а также создал образы Ромео и Джульетты
  • ...Д.Свифт создал образ Гулливера и повлиял на развитие сатирического жанра
  • ...Д.Дефо создал образ Робинзона Крузо и повлиял на развитие приключенческого жанра

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