OSU: Just For Fun

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View of main building and new library

OSU is the largest institution of higher education in the Orenburg Region. Its 19 academic and professional schools, 3 research institutes, 6 regional campuses, 5 colleges offer 113 undergraduate majors and 57 graduate degree programs at Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science levels. Courses are offered in both traditional and accelerated semesters, during the day and at night.

The university serves for more than 43,000 students. Over 160 Doctors of Science and 800 Candidates of Science make up the OSU faculty body.

Orenburg campus counts more than 90 buildings including a new fundamental electronic library.

A highly qualified teaching staff and scientists, vast stock of modern educational services, computer rooms and laboratories, huge research potential, active innovation policy, cherished traditions are some of the most appealing features of studying at OSU.

Vladimir Kovalevsky

Curently rector of Orenburg State University is Vladimir Kovalevskiy, honored higher education worker of Russian Federation, doctor of economics, professor.



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