Организация проектной деятельности и групповой работы в Интернете в обучении английскому языку в 9 классе

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Организация проектной деятельности и групповой работы в Интернете в обучении английскому языку
Исходя из того, что главная цель обучения иностранным языкам это формирование и развитие коммуникативной культуры школьников, а также обучение практическому овладению иностранным языком, то основная задача учителя - активизировать познавательную деятельность учащихся в процессе обучения иностранным языкам. А такая современная педагогическая методика, как исследовательская деятельность, с использованием новых информационных технологий и Интернет - ресурсов помогает достичь основной цели обучения, а именно:
•реализовать личностно - ориентированный подход в обучении;
•направлять ребят на самостоятельную работу с инфо источниками, на анализ найденного материала, поиск своего собственного способа действий, наиболее отвечающий их индивидуальным возможностям;
•обеспечивать индивидуализацию и дифференциацию обучения с учётом способностей детей, их уровня обученности, склонностей и т.д.
Я, как учитель английского языка, использую Интернет большей частью для подготовки учащихся к защите проекта на английском языке или подготовки домашних заданий, требующих элементов исследования и доступа к широкому диапазону источников. Хотя работа учащихся в Интернете непосредственно на уроке также ведется, в основном это бинарные интегрированные уроки (английский язык и информатика) из-за нехватки компьютерных классов, оснащенных Интернетом. Хочу представить вашему вниманию урок английского языка, при подготовке которого учащиеся использовали Интернет.
План конспект урока «Выпускной экзамен в Туристической Академии»
(The final exam at the Tourism Academy)

Предмет: Английский язык
                               <center> Класс: 9 
                               <center> Школа:72
                               <center> ФИО учителя: Данцева Алла Анатольевна

Тема: «Путешествие» (Traveling)
Вид урока: Урок обобщающего контроля
Цель урока: Контроль сформированности у учащимися лингво –страноведческих и речевых коммуникативных компетенций на английском языке в рамках темы «Путешествие», «Экстремальные виды спорта», “Погода” и «Одежда».
При работе в сети Интернет- Цель: развитие у участников исследования способности логически мыслить, правильно оценивать ситуацию и критически подходить к информации, способности вести самостоятельную работу с инфо источниками, анализа найденного материала,. определение своего собственного способа действий
1)Активизация употребления ранее изученной лексики в речи учащихся по теме Traveling, Extreme kinds of sports, Weather, Clothes.
« Путешествие», «Экстремальные виды спорта», “Погода” и «Одежда». 2)Закрепление использования в речи грамматических конструкций « to be going to, will , won’t, would you like…?)
3)Формирование и совершенствование лексических навыков говорения и расширение словарного запаса учащихся по теме;
4)Развитие и совершенствование навыков видов чтения, письма с обращением внимания на смысловые связи и контекстуальную догадку;
5)Развитие навыков восприятия речи на слух;
6)Формирование положительного эмоционального отношения к процессу познания и исследования, уважительного отношения к культуре других стран;
7)Развитие умений и навыков:

        <center> видеть проблему, ставить задачи, анализировать, сравнивать;
        <center>работы с информационными ресурсами (Интернет);
        <center>работать в команде;
        <center> работы с информационными компьютерными технологиями.

Технологии обучения:
•коммуникативно – ориентированное обучение;
•активизация учебной деятельности
•формирование информационной и технологической компетенции;
•развитие познавательных интересов;
•метод проектов.
Оборудование: Вывеска «Tourism Academy», проектор, компьютеры, раздаточный материал: таблицы для работы с информацией “ South Africa”, “ Russian resorts”, “Welcome to Togliatti” с заданиями, магнитофон, запись музыки «Погода », карточки с заданиями, буклеты и рефераты по теме «Путешествие».
Подготовка к уроку: Учащиеся собирали и обрабатывали информацию, найденную в Интернете по темам вышеуказанным.

                <center> План урока:

1.Организационный момент. (Постановка задач и объяснение о ходе работы на уроке.)
2.Речевая зарядка.
3.Презентации учащихся. Выполнение заданий и их проверка.
4.Работа за компьютерами.
5.Подведение итогов, домашнее задание.
I. Мотивация учебной деятельности, сообщение темы и цели урока: Teacher: Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! Good – morning everyone! Today our Tourism Academy has the final day – it’s a day of a final test. You have to pass your last exam. You should prove that the studying at our academy was important & you became wonderful managers in tourism business. You have to show what you can & what you know. There are guests here. Nice to see you. We will check
•how you know Lexical & grammar structures;
•how you can: read, write & speak English, can work with information: find necessary things, underline the main, process the information; ask questions, make dialogues, argue & present your opinion in public; advertise places & be polite in English; work on a computer with English texts.
O’K. You know your goals & will do your best in achieving them.
The work will be the following:
1.First of all our students will present a material about a country where you can spend time lovely.
2.After that they will tell you about Russian resorts.
3.And at the end they will give you a useful information how guests & tourists can spend time in Togliatti.
As for our guests, you also have a task to answer the main questions: Are our students real tourism managers?
II.Речевая зарядка. Well, before we start doing all our tasks, we should do a speech exercise. What rhymes about traveling do you know? Pupils: About a sailor (Учащиеся рассказывают)
A sailor went to sea,
To see what he could see,
But all that he could see
Was sea, sea, sea.
III. Презентации учащихся. Выполнение заданий и их проверка. Teacher: Thanks a lot. I think this sailor had only one problem. He hadn’t a tourism manager who could help him choose a right journey. As you know our world has a great variety of countries & islands, which can be offered tourists from all over the world. Some people go to Asia, for example, Greece & Turkey. Other people go to Europe to see all unique places of interest. You may go to different islands. These resorts are well – known & most- visited in the world. Practically all people know them, but as for our company, we decided to represent a wonderful but unknown resort centre – it’s South Africa, which offers tourists different places to spend holidays. I’d like to invite here the representatives of South Africa. While they will be speaking, other students we’ll be filling in the gaps with appropriate information. And after that you will choose the place they prefer to go & why. You should prove your choice.
(Pupils present collected information supporting it with leaflets & computer presentations. Ученики представляют собранную информацию, сопровождая выступление буклетами и презентациями на компьютере. Слушатели в это время выполняют задание и готовят аргументированные ответы на вопрос «Какое из услышанных мест они хотят посетить и почему?»)
South Africa
Thank you for your presentation. Let’s discuss where you want to go.
(Pupils discuss “Where would you like to go & why?”) P1: As for me, I prefer going to Willow, because I want to relax on the beach far from people and I need different activities in the open air.
P2: I’d like to visit Agazi, as I will take my family & this perfect place offers a good rest for a whole family. There is a nice kids’ play area there & so on. Teacher: And if you know all the information & have chosen the place, let’s make a dialogue between a manager of a tourism company & a traveler. (You should book a trip to South Africa). Before we do it, tell me what phrases you need. (Pupils tell all necessary key phrases.)
•Can I help you?
•Is it a business trip?
•Is your trip on business or for pleasure?
•Where would you like to go?
•Will you go with your family or alone?
•Oh, it’s a great idea.
•I’d like to offer you…
•Can I book a room?
•How long will you stay?
Teacher: And also let’s revise a very useful grammar structure “ to be going to”. Pupils make sentences with this structure, answering the following questions: “Where are you going to rest this holiday? What are you going to do these holidays?”
P1:I’m going to rest in …..
P2:I’m going to do extreme sports…
(After this work, pupils act out dialogues) P1 –p2 Dialogue with a manager:
•Good – morning, tourism company “ Voyage”, Can I help you?
•Morning. I’d like to go to South Africa.
•Oh, it’s a great idea. Is it a business trip?
•No, I want to spend my holiday there.
•O’K. Will you go with your family or alone?
•I’ll go alone. I need to have a good rest.
•I’d like to offer you a wonderful place far from the city life. It’s _____________ a perfect
place to relax on the beach, enjoy exciting weather. We have a small comfortable hotel with a beautiful view. •It’s great. I will rest for 2 week. Can I book a room?
•Yes, sir.
Teacher: If we start talking about extreme sports, let’s check what kinds you know & want to try. P1: I’m going to try wind surfing, parachute jumping & water skiing. P2: I’m going to try bungee jumping, white water rafting & diving.
(Pupils make sentences) Teacher:O’K’. Just now we have learnt about a wonderful faraway country South Africa. But you should know that each country in the world has something to offer. And of course, our Motherland is the Russian Federation. Our travel managers came from different resorts, which they want to advertise you now. Welcome. We start with an old Russian town Smolensk. Then you will listen to other brilliant places in Russia such as the South, where there is a famous resort “Birch”, a kids’ camp Artek & a unique resort Dale Fortune. (Ученики представляют собранную информацию с помощью Интернета, сопровождая выступление буклетами и презентациями на компьютере).
Now you know the whole information about Russian resorts. Let’s make dialogues between two friends (One wants to go to the South, another pupil should ask as many questions as possible) But first of all we need to revise the theme “Weather”, as this topic is very important when you travel. (Pupils sing “Weather” Song, answer teacher’s questions about today’s weather). O’K. And now let’s work with our dialogues.
(Pupils make dialogues.) P1 –P2
•Hello … How are you?
•Fine, thanks. And you?
•Me too. Thanks.
•What are your plans for these holidays? Where are you going to rest?
•Oh, I think I will go to Sochi with my family.
•It’s a good idea. Holidays at the sea –side are wonderful. The weather is fine. The sun shines every day from morning till night.
•Yes. The sky is blue. It’s hot or warm. It doesn’t rain at all.
•What are you going to do there?
•Oh, there are a great variety of activities. I’ll go to the beach, & I will get sunburn, swim in the blue sparkling water.
•And what about sport?
•I am going to play different summer games, such as volleyball, beach ball, and tennis.
•Are you going to try any extreme sports?
•Of course. I’m going to try wind surfing, water skiing & diving.
•Have a nice holiday. Be careful.
Teacher: Good for you. And now we are here in Togliatti.
Welcome to our beautiful town. Now we’ll listen to the information about it & its places. And after the presentation you will answer all the questions, which were prepared by the presenters. (Pupils answer questions one by one) (Учащиеся читают вопросы по очереди и отвечают на них).
•What kind of city is Togliatti?
•What places of interest has our town?
•Where can we rest?
•What can you recommend to visit?
•Where can we eat?
•What can we do in Togliatti?
•Where can we stay?
T: Well done. Now you will listen to the presentations, which will introduce you to the splendid places in Togliatti, where you can not only rest but also spend time lovely. You’re welcome. While they will be speaking, other students we’ll be filling in the gaps with appropriate information. And after that you will choose the place you prefer to go. You should explain your choice.
(Teacher invites pupils who collected information about these places). Pupils present collected information supporting it with booklets & computer presentations. They speak about Russian Bor, Nadezhda, Rancho. (Ученики представляют собранную информацию, сопровождая выступление буклетами и презентациями на компьютере. Слушатели в это время выполняют задание и готовят аргументированные ответы на вопрос «Какое из услышанных мест они хотят посетить и почему?»)
Togliatti’s places of interest
Places of rest
T:It’s great. Thank you for your presentation. Let’s discuss where you want to go.
P1:As for me, I prefer going to Rancho, because I want to relax in the open air & I can ride a horse. I like horse –riding.
P2: I’d like to visit Russian Bor, as I want to get a medical help & to rest far from the city.
(Pupils discuss all mentioned places.)
T: Thanks. Now we know brilliant places where you can go in Togliatti. And I can offer you a great place where you can visit & spend time great. It’ s Big Rjazan. Try to translate my presentation from Russian into English. Pretend that you need to sell tourists from Canada a trip to this village. You should advertise this place. Your aim is to sell this trip. (Pupils see a presentation on the screen & translate it.)
T: Good for you. You have managed. And now I want you to answer the question “What do you need for a happy holiday?”
(Pupils answer this question in different way.)
P1: I need a good weather. T: What do you mean? P1: I mean it’ll be sunny & warm.
P2: I need right & comfortable clothes, I mean each season has its own weather, for example, when you go to the South you should take light clothes, such as shorts, T- shirts & sandals. But you should first of all know the weather in order to take suitable clothes.
T:O’K. You know everything. And tell me please what you wear:
•in a rainy warm weather?
•in a sunny hot weather?
•in a stormy cold weather?
•in a cool weather?
(Pupils name types of clothes they wear in a different weather.)
P1:In a rainy weather I wear a raincoat, a hat& boots. And of course I take an umbrella.
P2:In a stormy cold weather I always wear a scarf, a hat, gloves, a warm coat or a jacket & boots.
T:Very good. And now pretend that you are waiting for your friend to come to your place from another country. The weather isn’t good. It’s cold, rainy & windy. Please, write her/him about it & ask to bring necessary clothes.
IV.Работа за компьютерами (Pupils write a short message & present it to the class. One pupil works on a computer & does the same task. Teacher checks them & comments their work.)
T:Well done. And now the last presentation. It’s news from the future. Do you want to know what clothes pupils in 2200 will wear? Do you want to know what weather & ecology will be? Here are the predictions. I invite pupils who found & presented this information.
(Pupils tell the predictions of British schoolchildren.)
P1:In 2200 schoolchildren will wear plastic clothes with microchips to talk with other kids everywhere.
P2:They will wear masks & special clothes to protect themselves from dirty air & ozone X –rays.
T:Good for you. And what predictions have you got for the future about weather, traveling & clothes?
P1:It seems to me that in the future people will wear only clothes of bright colours. Men will wear skirts. As for traveling, people will use space transport to travel in space.
P2: To my mind people won’t go shopping at all. They will use only the Net. The weather will change forever. Russia will have a warm climate; Africa will have a cold one.
(Pupils tell their own future predictions about weather, traveling & clothes.)
V.Подведение итогов, домашнее задание.
T: Thank you very much. You have done a lot of work today. I think our guests will agree with me. You have proved that the studying at our academy was important & you became wonderful managers in travel business. You have shown what you can & what you know.
You know lexical & grammar material. You can read, write & speak English in the frames of the themes “Traveling, Extreme kinds of sports, Weather, Clothes”.
You can work with the information: find necessary things, underline the main, and process the material. You can ask questions, make dialogues, argue & present your opinion in public. Also you can advertise places & you are polite in English. You can work on a computer with English texts.
You can make presentations & leaflets. Thanks a lot for your work.
In my opinion we have achieved all our goals. And now your homework- be ready to present “Big
Rjazan” and make leaflets.

(Teacher puts pupils marks for their work & says good –bye.)
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