Урок-спектакль "Английские песенки для малышей"

Материал из ТолВИКИ
Версия от 10:37, 13 июля 2009; Марина Низенькова (обсуждение | вклад)
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Урок-спектакль "Английские песенки для малышей"
(начальная школа)
Кокаревская Наталья Михайловна
(МОУ школа № 10 г. Тольятти)

Урок - спектакль задуман как небольшое представление в виде ролевой игры с песенками и стихами. Это представление может быть приурочено к любому празднику, выступлению, концерту, окончанию учебного года и т.д. Разработка ориентирована на детей в возрасте 8-9 лет, имеющих начальные знания английского языка. В представлении должно участвовать от 7 до 12 детей. Желательно иметь магнитофон с записями детских английских и американских народных песенок на английском языке.

Цели урока:

1. формирование умений общаться на английском языке с учетом речевых возможностей и потребностей младших школьников.

2. обеспечение коммуникативно-психологической адаптации младших школьников к английскому языку для преодоления психологического барьера и использования английского языка как средства общения.

3. знакомство младших школьников с миром зарубежных сверстников и с зарубежным детским фолклером

4. формирование речевых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей

Задачи урока:

1. дальнейшее формирование навыков устной речи

2. расширение лексического запаса за счет детского фолклера англо-говорящих стран

Сценарий урока-спектакля


Pupil 1: Good morning!

Pupil 2: Good morning!

Pupil 1: Do you like singing? We like singing very much! So, we’d like to sing our favourite nursery songs.

Pupil 2: So, we are having a party!

Pupil 1: Let’s ask our baker to make a pie!

Pupil 2: What a good idea!

< the children sing>

Pat - a - cake, pat - a cake, baker’s man,

Bake me a cake as fast as you can,

Pat it and prick it,

And mark it with “B”,

Put it in the oven for baby and me.

Pupil 3 (with a pie): Here it is!

All together: Oh, smells good! Thank you very much!

Pupil 1( sees the baker going away): Don’t go away! We’ve got a lovely song for you.

Pupil 2: It’s a riddle. Come on! Guess! What is it?

< the children sing>

Little Nancy Etticoat

With a white petticoat,

And a red nose.

She has no feet or hands,

The longer she stands,

The shorter she grows.

The longer she stands,

The shorter she grows. (the answer is a candle)

Pupil 2: I hear somebody crying. What’s the matter?

Pupil 4: Willy is crying! He is crying all the time!

Pupil 5: Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why?

Pupil 6: Don’t cry, Willy! You’d listen to a funny song!

< the children sing>

One, two, three, for, five.

Once I caught a fish alive.

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so!

Which finger did it bite?

This little finger on the right!

Pupil 6(waving a newspaper): Sensation! Sensation, friends!

All: What’s happened?

Pupil 6: London Bridge is falling down!

All: Oh, dear!

<the children sing>

London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down;

London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady.

We must build it up again, up again, up again;

We must build it up again, my fair lady.

Pupil 2: Guess what! I’ve got an uncle in America. And he has got a farm.

Pupil 1: Really? Oh, it’s very interesting! I’d like to visit the farm!

All: Let’s go together.

<the children should put on masks of animals>

<the children sing>

Old Mc.Donald has a farm, eeieei- oh

And on his farm he has some ducks With a quack, quack here

And a quack, quack there.

Here a quack, there a quack,

Everywhere a quack, quack.

Old Mc.Donald has a farm, eeieei - oh

And on his farm he has some pigs

With a hoink, hoink here

And a hoink, hoink there

Here a hoink, there a hoink,

Everywhere a hoink, hoink.

Old Mc.Donald has a farm eeieei-oh

And on his farm he has some chicks

With a chick, chick here

And a chick, chick there.

Here a chick, there a chick,

Everywhere a chick, chick.

Old Mc.Donald has a farm, eeieei-oh

And on his farm he has some cows

With a moo, moo here

And a moo, moo there.

Here a moo, there a moo,

Everywhere a moo, moo.

Pupil 2: Have you ever met Humpty-Dumpty? Never? We have met!

<the children sing>

Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall.

All the King’s horses

And all the King’s men

Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Pupil 4: Where in your doll?

Pupil 5: She is sleeping. And yours?

Pupil 4: And my doll in still going to sleep. Let’s sing her lullaby.

<the children sing>

Bye, baby, bunting.

Daddy’s gone a-hunting,

Gone to get a rabbit skin

To wrap the baby bunting in.

Pupil 1: Oh, it’s raining. And the sun is shining!

Pupil 2: Look, look at the rainbow!

All: Oh! It’s beautiful!

<the children sing>

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,

Count the lovely arch of heaven.

Seven colours make a bow,

Sweetest, finest thing I know.

See the rainbow in the heaven,

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

Pupil1: It’s time to say Good-bye.

Pupil 2: But we are happy!

All: The more we together the happier we are!

< the children sing>

If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands

If you are happy and you know it clap your hands,

If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it

If you are happy and you know it , clap your hands!

(step your feet, say “O.K.”, do all three)

All: Good bye! Thank you for coming.

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